More than an equipment company – we are a strategic business partner!
Before purchasing your machine from us, receive complete and personalized consultancy, carried out by professionals with extensive experience in the segment.
Thus, we help you increase the delivery excellence of your industry and streamline processes.
Before making the sale, our team understands your company in depth, asking questions such as:
Furthermore, count on our support before, during and after the implementation of our solutions, for precise adjustments to processes and equipment.
After the initial implementation analysis, we also offer deeper business consultancy to support your company in its strategic planning. To activate this new stage, contact our team.
Rest assured with Sigamaq consultancy – this service brings a multidimensional perspective and all details are taken into consideration for an investment that brings a return.
Head Office
Rua Augusto Laffin, 215 – Centro
Massaranduba – SC, 89108-000
Ibiza Trade Center Office
Rua Dr. Léo de Carvalho, 74 Salas 1706 e 1707 – Velha, Blumenau – SC, 89036-239
Developed by Pottmayer IT.